A blue and white logo on a white background.

Language in the Home

Preserving culture with modern technology

During the pandemic, Georgian College faced the challenge of teaching students from a remote learning perspective. The college needed a way to bring teachers, elders, and students together in a fun an engaging way so the students could continue studying their indigenous language.

Language in the Home is a bespoke learning experience designed for Georgian College to help facilitate learning indigenous language. The project is not intended for outside distribution.

The logo for georgian bank is blue and green.
The logo for engage communicate / teach / learn.
A computer generated image of a house with a patio and trees in the background.

Technology used

Bit Space Development used the Unity3D engine to create the interactive elements in Language in the Home. 

The experience was developed for the Engage XR platform, which is a third-party subscription-based social VR solution.

Georgian College chose the Oculus Quest as the platform of choice for this project.

Project take aways

This project forced us to fine-tune our ability to optimize performance so we could push as much quality as possible into ENGAGE and the Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2 mobile VR headsets.

We also had to think about how people learn a language and design a home that allowed for a classroom to explore.

A living room with a couch , chairs , and a fireplace.

Inspiring projects built by Bit Space

Below is a taste of some of the projects built by Bit Space.


Ready to build your home in VR?

Engage your audience with an immersive experience and see what kind of outcomes you can generate.

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